Published Jul 9th, 2023

What are Open AI API Keys?

OpenAI API keys are unique identifiers that allow developers to access OpenAI's language models. These API keys are used to make requests to OpenAI's servers and receive responses containing the processed data or analysis. You can obtain an API key from your OpenAI Keys page. You can learn more at:

How does it work?

With any paid subscription plan, you can bring your OpenAI API Key to Knibble. When we make calls to ChatGPT or other OpenAI models, we will use your OpenAI API Key instead of Knibble’s default API key.

We strongly recommend using your own API Key for the following reasons.

<aside> ℹ️ When we use your Open AI key, the API costs will be billed to your Open AI Account, which makes it easy for you to monitor your costs.


<aside> ℹ️ Please note that you may need a paid subscription with OpenAI to get an API Key. This is separate from the ChatGPT plus subscription. Please refer to:


<aside> ⚠️ Please note that OpenAI may impose rate limits on your keys which may cause service disruptions on your embedded chatbots. You may have to upgrade your OpenAI subscription to a paid subscription and you may also have to request OpenAI to increase your rate limits. Learn more here:


How we use your OpenAI API Key?

We use your OpenAI API key when:

  1. You upload a file, URL or text block to your knowledge base:

OpenAI Platform